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Keyword Research How to Do It, Tips, Tools & Examples [2024]

SEO is essential in today’s digital environment. If you want to generate huge revenue online, you must know how to employ SEO or have a sufficient budget to hire an experienced SEO service provider in Asansol. SEO covers a wide variety of tasks, from obtaining high-quality backlinks to creating unique content. Despite this, keyword research remains one of the most critical elements of SEO. It can be done using a variety of tools and the primary objective of this effort is to find the most frequently used keywords related to your company goals. Thus, without using the ideal keywords, all of your SEO efforts would be useless. 

Now you may be wondering how to conduct ideal keyword research using any latest tools. To find the answer, please read this blog page thoroughly.

The Significance Of Keyword Research In Marketing Campaigns

Keyword research is not only for essential SEO and content creation it can be used in other marketing efforts as well, such as paid advertisements, display ads, and social media marketing campaigns to attract more visitors. For example, on a paid advertisement if you use certain keywords, it will assist you in creating ad groups and campaigns. In this regard, please remember, if the keywords in these advertisements have low search volume, your campaigns can be ineffective.

A Few Tips To Help You Begin With Keyword Research Efficiently


  • Consider Yourself As A Customer 

Place yourself in the shoes of your target audience and try to imagine what they would be looking for online. For example, if you provide healthcare services, consider what questions you might ask if you were a consumer looking for such services online. You may also consult with the best SEO company in Asansol to understand their opinions on the phrases they might employ to search for your products and services.

  • Analyze Your Competitors 

To generate content that outranks your competitors in search results, you need to analyze the keywords they use. Targeting competitor keywords enables you to appear on the same SERPs as your competitors as well as helps you to determine which keywords to target next.

  • Use Some Highly Effective Keyword Research Tools 

To narrow down the most relevant keywords that match the searcher’s purpose, you should use keyword research tools to determine which keywords are most relevant to your business. You may use the process to determine what your customers are looking for and enable you to drive traffic to your website from search engines. That is why using effective keyword research tools to select relevant phrases is essential for getting your business in front of the right audience.

Choosing the proper keywords for your website pages now becomes much easier and faster if you find out the right tools to do your keyword research. These tools include a keyword database as well as other indicators like volume, cost per click, and competitiveness in the marketplace


  • Examples of some Keyword Research Tools:


  • Google Keyword Planner – If you have a Google Ads account, you may use Google’s free Keyword Planner. This free tool can assist you in discovering new keywords related to your business and estimating traffic generated by searches.


  • Google Trends – Google Trends is a free tool provided by Google that assists in real-time understanding of what people are interested in and excited about. It delivers comprehensive information about a particular matter, allowing advertisers to investigate the user behavior of a specific topic in a specific place.


  • Moz’s Keyword Difficulty Tool – Moz is another well-known tool for determining the difficulty of any keyword. It is a paid tool. When you enter a term into this tool, it will provide the top ten results for that search. Then, depending on the pages that presently rank for that keyword, it will provide a “Difficulty Score” to that term. You may examine search traffic data for your keywords and then access the SERP to see the top ten results for each query.


  • Semrush – Semrush’s keyword-finding tool is one of the most proficient on the market, with six subcategories. You can also use the tool to extract the keywords that your competitors rank for by entering their domain names. This site’s free access is limited, and subscriptions begin at $119 per month.


  • Identify Your Position In The Marketplace – If you’re fighting against huge brand names that already dominate the first page of Google for the majority of the keywords you have identified, you should change your strategy to find less competitive long-tail keywords. Look at the SERPs for your most relevant search phrases. If it’s filled with strong brand names that have a higher effect and market share than your business currently has, use long-tail keywords to narrow down your possibilities to rank better in the future.


  • Relevancy To The Content- Keywords that are related to your blog content and that people would look for are the most advantageous. When individuals wish to learn more about a topic, they should enter keywords into Google. Even Google and other search engines also rely on relevancy to identify what your content is all about.



According to some recent surveys, 93% of Google traffic stays on the first page, while just 5.8 % of consumers go through to the second page of a search. More than 90% of Google searchers never get beyond the first page of results.

According to these statistics, there is an urgent need to learn how to select keywords that will place you on the first page of search results, or else your material will be hidden where no one ever visits.

Following the facts, whether you perform your keyword research or use an SEO service in Asansol offered by a reputable SEO company, we hope that after reading this blog on keyword research, you now feel equipped with all you need to make the best-informed decisions for your campaigns.

SK Web World.IN

SK Web World.IN is a web design & SEO company. We offer the best of the digital marketing services to our clients all over West Bengal in the form of web designing, content development, and graphic designing, etc.

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